
The Best Care for Your Bones, Joints & Muscles

The Department of Orthopedics at Lifecare Hospital, Abu Dhabi, provides a full range of orthopedic care for patients with musculoskeletal injuries or conditions. We have a team of experts who specialize in diagnosing and treating ailments such as arthritis, fractures, sports injuries, back pain, rotator cuff injuries, and more. Our orthopedic surgeons are experienced in performing joint replacement surgery and other procedures to treat your condition. Our goal is to help you achieve your best possible health and function through treatment tailored to your needs.


Surgery of Joints Including Shoulder, Elbow, Hip, Knee, and Ankle 

Limb Preservation Surgery 

Limb Lengthening Procedures 

Pediatric Orthopedics  

Orthopedic Trauma and Fractures 

Sports Medicine 

Book Appointment with our Experts

Kunal Fadte
Milin S Jaiswal
Raghavendra N S
Ravindra Gurav
Gino Palakkulam Devassy
Baldeep Singh 
Sreedhar Muktevi

Lifecare Specialties